When a Man Is in a Relationship Is It Okay for Him to Call Another Women Baby?

So, after months of flirting, you finally built up the courage to ask out your crush, you go on a few dates, and now you two are hanging out and things are going really well. Then, one day, seemingly out of no where, they say, "Babe, can you pass the salt?" The question stuns you for a second. What does it mean someone calls you babe when you're not dating? Can only significant others call each other babe? Should you start calling them babe back? The word babe (or baby) is a simple one, but it can hold a lot of meaning. I talked to Vice President and Dating Expert of Dating.com, Maria Sullivan and got all the answers about the term and the meaning behind it.

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Why do we call people babe/baby?

So, why do people use them term babe or baby in regard to those they care about? It's hard to say because everyone uses it for different reasons and in various contexts. Some may use it condescendingly, but in most cases it's used to express love.

"The word babe has highly adaptive qualities," Maria says. "It can be used by any gender, among S.O.'s, even often among friends. We use the term when calling a partner by name isn't strong enough to express all of your feelings. Whether or not there is romantic meaning behind its use is determined by its context."

Usually, if your S.O. is calling you babe, it's probably because they care about you, and, as Maria said, calling them by their name doesn't get that across at the moment. That being said, if your S.O. expresses a dislike it being called babe or baby, you should refrain from calling them that.

Is there a difference between calling someone babe and baby?

"Babe is typically used casually and in front of others," Maria says. "This is the term most couples feel comfortable throwing around in front of friends and at family gatherings." For some reason, "baby" seems a little more intimate, so, as Maria explains, "Some couples hold off on calling each other baby until in a more private setting." Of course, though, it's up to you and your partner to determine what makes both of you the most comfortable.

What does it mean when you call your S.O. babe?

To put it simply, when you call someone babe, it probably means that you have feelings for them. "Its use in any form means that you are attracted and proud to be with your partner," Maria says. Though, again, it could mean different things to everyone, depending on the context and who is saying it.

What if you choose not to call your S.O. babe? What does that mean?

If you prefer to call your S.O. by their name, or your own personal term of endearment, that's totally fine! There's no rule saying you have to call your S.O. babe, you should do whatever makes sense for your relationship.

"Babe or baby are not the only words that can be used as terms of endearment," Maria says. "It can be even more fulfilling to call your partner by a name that is backed by something more personal, like a nickname or inside joke."

Can you call someone babe if you're not dating them?

There are definitely people who refer to everyone as "babe" just like you might say "dude" or "sis." Maria urges you to be careful if you call people babe, though, because it could make some people uncomfortable.

"If using the term intentionally in a friendly way, make sure that the receiver understands your intentions," she said, warning that you may be suggesting that you like the person, without even realizing you're doing it.

That being said, calling someone who you're not dating babe could be a good way to hint that you're interested in them. "The subtle mention of the word will get you're crush thinking," Maria says. So, if you're feeling brave, maybe try it out next time you're chatting with your crush.

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When a Man Is in a Relationship Is It Okay for Him to Call Another Women Baby?

Source: https://www.seventeen.com/love/dating-advice/a29211783/call-babe-meaning/#:~:text=by%20their%20name%2C%20or%20your,makes%20sense%20for%20your%20relationship.

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